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SLshire HomeChoice





Welcome to South Lanarkshire HomeOptions self assessment service which will help you find out about different housing options that are available to you. 

Using Your Personal Information

We, South Lanarkshire Council, will use the information provided to us in relation to providing you with initial advice and assistance in relation to your choices available to you help you to find out about different options that are available to assist you with your housing need.    

We will keep your personal information within the Council's archives for evidential and historical reasons, or use it for research and statistical purposes.  

Your rights

You have the right to ask us to:

  • confirm that we are using personal information about you, detail of what that information is, to whom we have disclosed your information and a copy of the information that we have about you (The right of access)
  • correct any incorrect or misleading personal information that we have about you (The right to rectification)
  • stop using any or all of your personal information (The right to object) until we can look into correcting the information or provide you with our justification for using your personal information or to stop us deleting your personal data where you need it in connection with any legal claims (the Right of Restriction)

For more information on your rights and how to exercise them or for information about how we manage your personal information, please go to the Council’s General Privacy notice on our webpage at or contact the Data Protection Officer at Administrative and Legal Services, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA Phone:0303 123 1015, Email at

Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner at Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF Phone:0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number. Email at

Entering your details 
It takes around 15 minutes to complete the self assessment and there are several ways in which you will enter information.  
1. Dropdown Boxes

  • A dropdown box lets you select one choice from a list of options
  • Click on the arrow at the corner of the checkbox and then select your answer

2. Checkboxes

Click in the box if your answer is Yes.

Most of your information will be entered this way:

  • If your answer is Yes - click in the box to enter a tick
  • If your answer is No - leave the box empty
  • If you enter a tick by mistake clicking on the box again will remove it

3. Text fields

  • You can click into a text field and type your information
  • You will use text fields to enter information such as your name and date of birth

You can log back in at any time. It will be useful to have details of your earning, benefits and savings before you begin as this will help you complete the self assessment and help identify the right options for you.

Please note the self assessment is not an application to join the housing register or to apply to the council as homeless. If your circumstances are urgent, for example, you have nowhere to stay tonight or at immediate risk of becoming homeless, it is important you speak to a member of staff accessed from Homelessness web page

Social Housing
Many people who apply to the council for housing are unaware of the range of other options that may be available to them. In many areas of South Lanarkshire, there is extremely high demand and limited availability of social rented housing.  Realistically, if you choose to apply for social housing, you may wait a long time to be housed.

Other available options
There are other options available that may make it quicker or easier for you to find a home or to get help to stay in your current home. 



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